娛樂城原題目:雅思閱讀輕易疏忽的指代詞有哪些 在雅思閱讀測驗進程中,定位技能是一項必備的技巧;有針對性地定位樞紐詞可以或許提高答題效率,并輔助考生準確判斷謎底地點段落的詳細地位,堪稱事倍功半。絕管云云,不少考生仍然存在定位進程中的疑心;換言之,縱然在文章中確定了定位詞的方位,卻沒法經由過程其地點句子得出謎底,從而形成無須要的歸讀或者跳讀,且終極與文中的解題信息“擦肩而過”。綜上所述,筆者認為成績的“癥結”在于考生們忽略了段落中某些不起眼的“小詞”—指代詞。指代詞又稱“紐帶詞”,它們毗鄰了前后句,使句意串聯了起來,從而起到了“承先啟後”的作用。是以,在找到定位詞的條件下,咱們無妨存眷其前后句中指代詞的存在,另辟蹊徑將文中的解題信息延長上來。 指代詞的常見抒發情勢有it/this/that/these/those/some等。以是,咱們來闡發一下這些指代詞在不同題型中施展的“紐帶”作用。 A. Completion(填空) 雅思閱讀填空題的情勢多樣,包含擇要填空、句子填空以及表格填空等。考生們平日僅定位到了文中的方針句,但在該句中較難找到精確謎底,那么咱們必要經由過程后面句子中的指代詞將方針句的內容延長。 請參考如下例題:Cambridge 8 Test1 Passage 3 Flaw Positive results could be produced by factors such as 34______or 35______. 這兩題屬于表格填空。咱們可以將Flaw以及Positive results作為定位詞,在文中找到大致地位;另外,經由過程空格前的such as可以判定兩題的詞性都是名詞,且并列關系。 參考原文:Paragraph 4 The implication was that the ganzfeld method had revealed real evidence for telepathy. But there was a crucial flaw in this argument – one routinely overlooked in more conventional areas of science. Just because chance had been ruled out as an explanation did not prove telepathy must exist; there were many other ways of getting positive results. These ranged from ‘sensory leakage’ – where clues about the pictures accidentally reach thmycard 娛樂城e receiver – to outright fraud. 闡發:定位詞可以在段落中輕松找到原詞,但positive results地點句子中不克不及找到一組并列關系的名詞;而后面一句的主語these則指代了之前的positive results,以是句意便失去了延長。經由過程該句中的詞組ranged from…to…,咱們就不難發明個中所包括的兩個工具sensory leakage以及outright fraud屬于發生努力效果的身分,等於精確謎底。 B. TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN(判定) 判定題是雅思閱讀中最支流的細節題,段落中的某些細節信息對題干內容的精確與否起到了決定性作用。有些題干中的樞紐詞在文中的抒發已經經逾越了簡略的同義替代,必要考生對幾句話的內容進行回判定,是以指代詞在前后句之間的作用就會加倍明明。 請參考如下例題:Cambridge 8 Test2 Passage 1 13. Computers are better than humans at detecting faults in glass. 本題的考點是要求判定在查找過錯方面,電腦是否比人類更有上風。咱們可以用computers、humans以及faults來定位,而better是重點來判定的根據。 參考原文:Paragraph 7 Automated on-line inspection does two things. Firstly, it reveals process faults upstream that can be corrected. Inspection technology allows more than 100 million measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see. Secondly, it enablescomputers downstream to steer cutters around flaws. 闡發:題干信息在段落平分布較廣,觸及到了2-3句話,個中咱們可以定位到原詞computer以及faults;同時computer的另一種抒發方式也在段落中呈現—automated on-line inspection(主動在線檢測體系),并且之后的句中由it作為指代。個中,第一個it后申明了faults可以被發明并更正;第二個it后指出了可以或許使計算機操控刀具切割失瑕疵部門—flaws,這註解計算機具有了查錯改錯的功效。本題另一個難點是humans在文中被替代成了unaided eye(肉眼),后面的unable to see奉告咱們人眼沒法望到瑕疵,以是計算機更具上風。本題謎底是TRUE。 C. Matching Features(長短配對) 長短配對是雅思閱讀題型中一道風韻奇特的“菜”,題干以及選項信息會有長短轉變,平日倡議考生行使“短信息”往文中定位,初步確定段落中的答題范圍。然而,咱們會發明偶然定位詞地點的句中并不存在明明的可婚配信息,以是考生們必要行使該句中的某個指代詞,早年后句進行二次確認。 請參考如下例題:Cambridge 6 Test1 Passage 1 Classify the following techniques according to whether the writer states they A. are currently exclusively used by Australians B. will be used in the future by Australians C. are currently used by both Australians and their rivals Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 8–11 on your answer sheet. 8. Cameras 本題要求婚配拍照機裝備的不同使用環境;除了疾速在段落中定位到cameras以外,咱們還要存眷選項間的個性(Australians)以及懸殊(currently/exclusively/future/rivals)。 參考原文:Paragraph C …Mason’s contribution to sport also 超有錢娛樂城pttincludes the development of the SWAN (SWimming ANalysis) systemnow used in Australian national competitions. It collects images from digital cameras running at 50 frames a second and breaks down each part of a swimmer’s performance into factors that can be analysed individually – stroke length, stroke frequency, average duration of each stroke, velocity, start, lap and finish times, and so on. At the end of each race, SWAN spits out data on each swimmer. 闡發:段落中存在原詞digital cameras地點的句子,那么咱們可以細心望后面的內容是否知足的選項中的某個特征。然而,直到本段收場咱們都未發明這些特征,以是人人無妨來行使句首主語it,指代詞給出的旌旗燈號就是前句以及后句的內容相呼應。顯然,前句浮現了Australian以及now(替代currently),但句中有滋擾詞competitions(可以透露表現rivals),多半同窗會誤覺得存在競爭敵手;注重中間的national(外國的)透露表現這個裝備仍然在澳大利亞外國競賽中使用,本題謎底是A。 D. Matching Information(細節配對) 段落信息配對是雅思閱讀最辣手的題型,其考點天真多變,樞紐信息會隱蔽在某個段落的任何地位,甚至是題干中的一兩個單詞在段落中的替代調查,是以考生在答題時間節制方面顯露欠佳。一般來說,咱們倡議同窗們優先實現本篇中的其餘細節題,并務勢必每道題在段落中的出處盡量多地標注進去,最后在實現此類配對題時,便能行使細節信息的回想以及段落中的答題陳跡,幫助實現信息婚配。細節決定效率,指代詞的作用仍然弗成疏忽。 請參考如下例題:Cambridge 11 Test3 Passage 3 31. mention of different focuses of books about mathematics 本篇文章的主題辭是mathematics,以是咱們可以將題干中的different focuses(不同的聚核心)作為重點內容,到某段中找到響應信息。 參考原文:Paragraph B …I want to reveal not only some of the fascinating discoveries, but, more importantly, the reasoning behind them. In that respect, this book differs from most books on mathematics written for the general public. Some present the lives of colorful mathematicians. Others describe important applications of mathematics. Yet others go into mathematical procedures, but assume that the reader is adept in using algebra. 闡發:咱們可以在B段前幾句找到題干中的已經知信息books,并申明了這本書與市道市情上大部門數學書不同。緊接著的句子給出了大部門數學書所觸及的內容,咱們可以經由過程不同的指代詞some、others來確定這些信息便是指most books,且分手是最后三句話的主語,即這些數學書的三個不同側重點,與題干中的different focuses替代。B段是本題信息地點的段落。 E. Multiple Choice(選擇) 單選題是中國考生最認識的題型了,從高考到四六級,再到考研等,咱們對選擇題可以說是“親信知彼”,以是就會存在一個廣泛的誤區—憑借以去的解題履歷答題。然而,雅思閱讀單選題并非僅憑某一句話就能得出謎底,這傾覆了咱們以去的履歷;相反,它要求咱們經由過程上下文,甚至通段來懂得;難怪不少門生會抓狂幾近四個選項段落中都觸及到一些。接上去,讓咱們望一下指代詞是若何有助于答題時事倍功半。 請參考如下例題:Cambridge 12 Test8 Passage 2 14. What point does the writer make about large predators in the third paragraph? A. Their presence can increase biodiversity. B. They may cause damage to local ecosystems. C. Their behaviour can alter according to the environment. D. They should be reintroduced only to areas where they were native. 本題的考點在于第三段作者對large predators(大型獵食植物)的望法,以是定位沒有太浩劫度。咱們可以把重點放在large predators地點的句中。 參考原文:Paragraph 3 …One of the most striking findings of modern ecology is that ecosystems without large predators behave in completely different ways from those that retain them. Some o娛樂城 推薦f them drive dynamic processes that resonate through the whole food chain, creating niches for hundreds of species that might otherwise struggle to survive. The killers turn out to be bringers of life. 闡發:第三段后半部門某一句提到大型獵食植物對生態體系的意義嚴重,但并未詳細申明有何意義。若是咱們耐煩讀后文內容,便不難發明指代詞some of them,即有些獵食植物,可以或許drive dynamic processes(增進充斥活氣的運動)并對整個食品鏈發生影響。另外,末句的killers也指代這些獵食植物,能帶來發火。這些都註解了一個努力的旌旗燈號,以是就對應了A選項中的側面信息increase biodiversity(增長生物多樣性)。 請再望一例:Cambridge 12 Test8 Passage 2 18. According to the author, what distinguishes rewilding from other environmental campaigns? A. Its objective is more achievable. B. Its supporters are more articulate. C. Its positive message is more appealing. D. It is based on sounder scientific principles. 本題提出了一個比擬,即rewilding(放回)以及environmental campaigns(環保運動)間的區分,以是distinguish是咱們在題干中要重點存眷的詞。 參考原文:Paragraph 6 Rewilding is a rare example of an environmental movement in which campaigners articulate what they are for rather than only what they are against. One of the reasons why the enthusiasm for rewilding is spreading so quickly in Britain is that it helps to create a more inspiring vision than the green movement’s usual promise of ‘Follow us and the world will be slightly lessgb 娛樂城 awful than it would otherwise have been.’ 闡發:第六段整段先容了rewilding娛樂城註冊送(放回運動)的特色。起首,該運動的介入者會註解本人所支撐的事物,這僅僅奉告咱們其傳遞了正能量;其次又提到了該運動在英國很受迎接,這些只是一個籠統的觀點,并非比擬。此時,就必要考生能更仔細地發明句頂用的指代詞it,將其與rewilding聯系起來,再經由過程后面的比較級情勢a more inspiring vision than(一個比…更鼓舞民氣的愿景),切合了題干中的distinguish,該信息切合C選項中的positive、more appealing(更吸惹人)。 總之,不論是否觸及到解題信息,同窗們可以在刷題備考或者精讀文章時多留意句中的指代詞,并造就本人準確找到指代工具的本領。這些指代詞固然“像貌平平”,卻有助于咱們在答題渺茫時“曲線救國”,學會善于行使這類“紐帶關系”,信賴有用信息便會在不遙處名頓開。

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