娛樂城雅思寫作中如何寫出高分動態圖原題目:雅思寫作中若何寫出高分靜態圖 雅思寫作平分為小作文以及鴻文文,小作文又分為圖表題、輿圖題及流程圖。本文將會給人人先容圖題目中的靜態圖,在上半年的雅思索試中,靜態圖以壓倒性的數目位居題型榜首。個中靜態柱狀圖浮現了7次(包括夾雜圖中的一個靜態柱圖),靜態表格浮現了3次,靜態餅圖浮現了1次,線圖浮現了2次,每個月的考查頻率不少于2次。 在許多考生眼里,浮現頻率最高的靜態圖是最簡略的題型,可是在測驗中卻不輕易得高分。本日,咱們就來接頭一下這違后的緣故原由以及奧妙。靜態圖即圖中包含兩個或者兩個以上時間點的標題,包含線圖、餅圖、表格、柱圖四種圖形。無論是哪一種圖形,靜態的實質都是描寫趨向轉變,以是寫作要點是相通的:1. 內容分段要合理,信息篩選要準確,2. 用詞要準確,3. 包括肯定數目復雜句式。 1、內容分段與信息篩選 按照趨向特征分類,一切的靜態圖可分紅兩大類:一種是圖中內容趨向類似(例如團體掃數回升或者降低),另一種是圖中內容有不同趨向(例若有回升,有降低,有安穩,有顛簸)。是以,靜態圖的主體分段要領有兩種:1)當圖中內容趨向類似時,按幅度鉅細分段,即轉變光鮮明顯的分一段,不光鮮明顯的分一段;2)當圖中內容趨向不同時,按趨向類型分段,即趨向類似的分一段,趨向不同的另成一段; 靜態圖寫作時,只要要把圖中的首要趨向以及首要數據描寫進去即可,牢記不要像流水賬同樣把一切數據列進去。一般來說,緊張的數據包含出發點值、緊張遷移轉變點值(包含最大值、最小值、穿插點)、盡頭值。對于表格、餅圖、柱圖這類趨向不明明的圖形來說,考生只要要把統一個項目的不同時間點的數據連在一路即可失去一條線圖,如許趨向轉變就明明許多。若是一個項目的團體呈回升趨向,那么中間的那些過渡值可以省略,只要要描述出其趨向轉變(例如光鮮明顯回升或者稍微增加)和出發點值以及盡頭值即可。 二、詞匯的準確度 靜態圖寫作最經常使用的詞匯是透露表現趨向轉變的動詞,例如回升:increase,rise,grow;降低:decrease,decline,fall;安穩:remain stable,level off;顛簸:fluctuate between … and…,hover around;考生常犯的過錯包含:1)動詞已往式、已往分詞情勢過錯,分外是一些不規定的動詞情勢,2)雙謂語(例如was increase)或者被動語態(wagsbet娛樂城評價s increased),牢記一切的趨向轉變類動詞均使用自動語態。除此以外,趨向轉變的名詞也常浮現在靜態圖寫作中,例如回升酷的夢:an increase財神娛樂ptt,a rise,a growth;降低:a decrease,a decline,a fall,使用這種名詞時考生常犯的過錯是中式抒發(例如… had a significant increase),精確的抒發是:There was a significant increase in … 介詞也是攪擾一部門考生的成績,必要切記種種固定搭配,見下表 1. 回升/降低到 increase/decrease to 2. 到達最大值 peak at reach a peak of 3. 降到最低值 bottom out at hit the lowest point of 4. 堅持穩固 remain stable at level off at 5. 顛簸 fluctuate between … and … hover around 3、復雜句式 許多考生在寫作文時,會挖空心思使用許多銜接詞/短語,例如however,then,on the contrary,after that等,弗成否定銜接詞可以把內容有邏輯地構造在一路,然則過量使用這種詞會致使作文盡大部門句子都是簡略句,這是通去高分之路的緊張停滯之一。有用的改進方式是:盡可能將兩個轉變趨向用復雜句式連在一路,如許一來既可以免銜接詞重復也能夠晉升句子的難度。本日給人人先容四個可以把兩個趨向轉變連在一路的句式: 例如:在2001-2005年間,每杯咖啡的價錢穩固在$4,之后價錢最先驟增,在2010年到達最高值$8。 1)A cup of coffee was sold at $4 between 2001 and 2005, after which the price increased significantly and peaked at $8 in 2010. 2)The price of a cup of coffee was $4 between 2001 and 2005, followed by a significant increase to $8 by 2010. 3)Despite remaining stable at $4 between 2001 and 2005, the price of a cup of coffee then increased significantly and peaked at $8 in 2010. 4)Having remained stable at $4 in the first five years, the price of a cup of coffee then increased significantly and peaked at $8 in 2010. 上面以新航道第七代根基寫作教材中的一道標題為例,闡發上述寫作要點。 The graph below shows the number of visitors to three museums between 2000 and 2005. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevluck 娛樂城ant. 標題剖析: 1. 圖中有四條線,個中castle以及aquarium這兩條線都是先回升后降低的趨向,zoo這條線是顛簸后回升,festival這條線稍微降低后根本穩固。是以,趨向類似的castle以及aquarium這兩條線寫一段,其余兩條寫一段; 2. castle以及aquarium這兩條線緊張數據是出發點值、遷移轉變點值以及盡頭值;zoo這條線緊張數據是顛簸范圍值以及盡頭值;festival這條線緊張數據是安穩的數值; 參考例文: 注:藍色字體是詞匯,粗體下劃線內容是毗鄰兩個趨向的句式 The graph illustrates changes in the proportion of people who visited four tourist spots in Edinburgh of Scotland between 1980 and 2010. The percentage of visitors to the castle increased significantly from about 25% in 1980 to 45% in 1995, after which it decreased slightly and ended at around 31% in 2010. Similarly, the percentage of visitors to the aquarium rose sharply in the first five years from 20% to approximately 35%, followed by a dramatic fall to less than 10% by 2010. With respect to the visitors to the zoo, having fluctuated between 9% and 15% during the first two decades, the proportion then grew steadily and reached 20% in 2010. If we look at the figure for festival, despite declining marginally between 1980 and 1985, it levelled off at 25% until 2010. Overall, there was a downward trend in the popularity of the castle and the aquarium, while that of 博弈娛樂城the festival and the zoo did not changed significantly. Besides, it is noticeable that in 1980 the festival was the most popular but in 2010 more visitors preferred the aquarium.

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